
CoreNet NZ Annual General Meeting 2021/2022

CoreNet NZ Annual General Meeting 2021/2022

CoreNet NZ AGM 2021

As a valued member of CoreNet Global New Zealand Chapter, you are warmly invited to attend the Annual General Meeting for CoreNet Global New Zealand Chapter 2021 which will be held virtually.


  1.  Welcome
  2.  Previous AGM 2020 Minutes
  3.  Chair Person's Report
  4.  Treasurer's Report
  5.  Adoption of Report and Annual Statement of Accounts
  6.  Re-election of Committee Members
  7.  General Business 

Nominations for the Committee

Current nominations:

Chair Person Elect                 -   Gail Calder
Deputy Chair                          -   David Maurice
Membership                           -   Caitlin Venus
Treasurer                               -    Robyn Montgomery
Diversity and Inclusion           -   Jodie Mickleson
Secretary                               -    Asha Lal (non election post)

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